Wednesday, April 25, 2012

V is for Vough #AtoZChallenge

A picture of Adrian Paul just because.

I couldn't find a picture of a Vough and I didn't want to put up
another picture of scenery.  When my friends were lusting over Jared Leto in high school, I lusted after Adrian Paul from the Highlander.  I read too many historical romance novels set in Scotland.

Origin: Scotland.  I know. Again. 

Description:  The Vough are one of the Fuath (general term for malevolent water faeries.)  They are always female and are afraid of the light.  They don’t have a nose and they have a yellow mane of hair that runs down their back to the tip of their tail.  Yes, I said tail. To add to the look, the Vough have webbed feet.  And they dress in green.  St. Patty’s day year round! 

Disposition:  Since the Vough are malevolent water faeries my assumption is that they are malevolent.  They do, however, manage to snag a mortal man every now and again.  I pity the man that snuggles up with one of them at night. 


  1. Niiiice picture. No complaints here. :)
    I wonder what the Vough do with the mortal man once they get tired of him? Yikes!

    1. Yeah, like when they do something annoying as husbands often do. Or stop being cute!

  2. I can dig the Adrian Paul pic. He's one of the few guys (IMHO) who could pull off the ponytail.

    (Although Sean Connery in "Medicine Man" did a pretty good job of it too.) ;)

    1. Most guys look silly in ponytails but not this guy!

  3. Delicious photo! I could look at it all day :)

    Hope A Vough doesn't get hold of Adrian...that would be sad indeed!

  4. They sound like they are horribly proportioned, but yeah, the picture is well chiseled. :)

    1. It's the whole no nose thing that gets me. Okay maybe the mane and webbed feet, too!

  5. Adrian Paul! Oofta!!!!!!!!!!


    I mean, entertaining post. ;-)

    Some Dark Romantic
